
Flavors Tried: White, Peachy Keen, Strawberry Dreams, Paradise, Zero Sugar, Fantasy Ruby Red

Yet To Try: Fiesta Mango, Gold, Black, Sunrise, Watermelon, Paradise, Blue, Lo-Carb, Rosa, Red, Citrus

Overall Rankings

1. White (8.5)
2. Strawberry Dreams, Peachy Keen (Tie, 8.25)
3. Fantasy Ruby Red (8.25)
4. Paradise, Zero Sugar (Tie, 8)

General Thoughts

This is the Halo Top of the energy drink space, and it's for a reason. The flavors are pretty consistent and delicious.. Despite their reputation, they are in my experience a very solid brand. They are also a bit pricy, but I used to see them on sale quite a bit. These are erythritol sweetened too, which I like, and supposedly also use a slower-release caffeine for more consistent energy. Overall, a solid choice.


These tend to be $2-3 per drink. 6.5/10.


These honestly, in my experience, give me the most effective energy out of any drink I've tried. Especially good considering it's only 140mg caffeine per can. 9.25/10.


These pop in at 10 calories per drink, with solid ingredients and erythritol sweetner. I sometimes find them a bit acidic, which isn't the best for your teeth. 8.75/10



  • Flavor: This is a classic, and it's for a reason. It's honestly my go too - I could have it every day. It's hard to describe the taste other than acidic sweet goodness. 9/10.
  • Overall: 8.5

Peachy Keen

  • Flavor: This is delightful - I love peach flavored stuff. It's got the perfect fuzzy peach taste. 8.5/10.
  • Overall: 8.25

Strawberry Dreams

  • Flavor: This is also delightful. It's almost creamy? It's definitely a faint strawberry taste, but in a good way. Don't come into this expecting an especially fruity flavor. 8.75/10.
  • Overall:  8.25


  • Flavor: I think this is meant to be Kiwi? I didn't love it honestly, but it wasn't bad. I just wouldn't pick it up again. 7.5/10.
  •  Overall: 8

Zero Sugar

  • Flavor: This is just a white, but worse. It's more acidic and sour. I don't see why anyone would buy this instead of the white. 7.5/10.
  • Overall: 8

Fantasy Ruby Red

  • Flavor: I was very intrigued by the packaging, but honestly could not figure out what this flavor was meant to be. It was almost generic energy drink if that makes sense? (tangy, fizzy, etc.) Afterwards I looked it up, and it's supposed to be grapefruit, which makes sense I guess. Overall, no complaints but no strong endorsement either. 8.25/10.
  • Overall: 8.25

