NGR Snack Bites

 Flavors Tried: Chocolate Chip Brownie, Vanilla Cranberry Bundt Cake

Yet To Try: Strawberry Frosted Donut, Birthday Cake

Overall Rankings

1. Vanilla Cranberry Bundt Cake (83)
2. Chocolate Chip Brownie (70)

General Thoughts

Not a brand I had ever heard of, and not one I see too often. I don't have any negative predispositions, but honestly I'm not educated enough to form an opinion. Overall these were small, low calorie, and seemed harmless enough to give them a shot.


Normally these run at ~$3/bar, but I got mine on clearance for $1 per bar. I got lucky though - I don't often see these at all, nevermind on clearance. 11/15.


Vanilla Cranberry Bundt Cake

  • Fullness Factor: These are small and low fiber, but provide healthy fats and protein for minimal calories. Not particularly high in fiber, but it's there. 12/15.
  • Nutrition: At 8P/110Cals, these aren't half bad. They use real ingredients like almond butter and real cranberries, and high quality protein. 30/35.
  • Taste: Surprisingly delicious. I really really liked this. I went into it expecting not much, since it's a weird flavor for a protein snack, but they pulled this one off. The real cranberries are by far the best part. 30/35.
  • Overall: 83

Chocolate Chip Brownie

  • Fullness Factor: Similar, but slightly higher protein and calorie, and with basically no fiber (1g). 11/15.
  • Nutrition: At 9P/130Cals, these are starting to push it. They still use wholesome ingredients, like cashew butter and whey, and are low sugar and saturated fat. 29/35.
  • Taste: I can't believe this was so bad compared to the cranberry. Chocolate tends to be a flavor protein companies can pull off very well, and I'm a chocolate lover, but this actually sucked. Maybe I got a bad batch. 19/35.
  • Overall: 70
