Pure Protein Puffs

 Flavors Tried: Scorchin' Hot, Brick Oven Pizza

Yet To Try: Nacho Cheese

Overall Rankings

1. Scorchin' Hot (83)
2. Brick Oven Pizza (79)

General Thoughts

If you've read my protein bar review, you already know I love this brand. Their offshoots from their bars have historically been a little shaky though, and you often can't find any of their other products at the same reasonable prices. Still, a good brand is a good brand, and I'm a loyal customer.


Normally these run at ~$2-3/bag, which is pretty damn good for a protein chip. I got mine of SupplementHunt for even less - ~$1/bag. 13/15.

Fullness Factor

These aren't the most filling per se, but they take a damn long time to eat. They are ridiculously high protein, but basically have no fiber - think a cheeto-like texture, but slightly more puffed. The bags are also a little small. 11/15.


It is hard to beat 18P/130Cals, but as previously mentioned, there is no fiber, and these do have 1-2g added sugar. The protein is high quality whey (some chips cop-out and use Soy or something else), and they are low saturated fat. 31/35.


Scorchin' Hot

  • Taste: These are pretty good, don't get me wrong, but they're not that spicy. I was expecting a Takis or Flaming Hot Cheeto, but instead I basically got a slightly spicy, puffy cheeto. Still, pretty good. 28/35.
  • Overall: 83

Pizza Brick Oven

  • Taste: Again, not bad, but honestly it tasted mostly like artificial pizza flavoring. 24/35.
  • Overall: 79
