PURUS Labs Protein Crispy Treat

Flavors Tried: Classic Marshmallow

Yet To Try: S'Mores, Cinnamon Cookie Crunch, Fruity Cereal

Overall Rankings

1. Classic Marshmallow (76)

General Thoughts

This isn't a brand I'm particularly familiar with, but they make good tasting protein powders. They are a whey-casein blend, much like PEScience, and seem to have a good reputation all-round.


Normally these run at ~$3/bar, but I got mine on clearance for $1 per bar. 13/15.


Classic Marshmallow

  • Fullness Factor: These are fairly big, but weigh less than your average protein bar (55g). Still, my brain likes volume, and they take a surprisingly long-time to eat (mostly because they're chewy and dense). These distinctly lack fiber, however. 11/15.
  • Nutrition: These are pretty good, at 17P/180Cals. They are low added sugar (2g), and use high quality protein. They use stevia and monk fruit, which is a bonus. As previously mentioned, they've got basically no fiber (1g), which makes sense given this is puffed rice. Still, good macros are good macros. 28/35.
  • Taste: I was disappointed, because it looks like a rice crispy, feels like a rice crispy, and even pulls apart like a rice crispy, but somehow the flavor falls a little flat. It's like it lacked that real goo-ey-ness that holds together most marshmallows. Not bad, but not exceptionally good. 24/35.
  • Overall: 76
